Saturday, July 27, 2019

Stranger Things

Not the Netflix series, although I do love that one. But tonight I have a tale of my own. This literally just happened half an hour ago. 

I have spent a large part of my weekend studying up on spiritual and philosophical tools to help give me a boost up out of this depressive state. I'm sitting at my laptop in the garage, as I do, and I'm reading tips on the laws of attraction.

Now let me pause here for a moment to give you a visual aid. These are unedited pics. The tin in the window that says Black Hawk plays a very important part in this story. (The pieces of wood weren't there when it happened, just for reference.)

Okay, I'm reading along and I'm at this little excerpt that really speaks to me, because I've often used the “ripples in water” metaphor myself. Here's what it said:
You can become someone who purposefully creates ripples in the universe. Did you know, everything you do energetically ripples out and affects others? And the ripples then come back to you. This process is fast. Don’t underestimate how possible it is for you to be a true catalyst for change. You can be a magnet for all the positive ripples floating around out there. Like a radio station, you can tune into the good stuff. Starting right now.


Just as those words hit my brain I heard a crash. When I saw what had happened, I froze. It took several seconds for me to get brave enough to slowly pick up my phone and document it.

The tin had fallen out of the window. I'm sure a gust of wind caused the shade to poof out and knock it out of the window. But the rest of this shit? Ah, I can't explain that. Just how, exactly, is that thing so precariously balanced on the very precipice of the table after having been launched from the window? I mean, note that it landed with the top facing back toward the window. It seems to me that if it had fallen from the window to the table, then the Black Hawk Chief would be face down.

But no. It's face up. Which means it didn't just fall. It flipped a fucking 180 in the air, landed balanced on the very edge of the table, AND none of the contents landed on the floor even though you can clearly see that the lid popped off. Olympic gymnasts couldn't have done that. The odds must be astronomical. And to give a little more perspective, not only is it hanging half off the table, but it's not even touching the table with 3 of its four corners. Look closely. 


The edge of the tin is higher up than the lighter. And just to show that it's not an optical illusion, here's another perspective. 

From the bottom side of the can it's easy to see just how close it is to plunging to the floor. And another perspective, just to show that it wasn't resting on the lighter: 

Or the lid of the can:

The very next paragraph from the book:

You start to control the energy in any situation. You can choose excitement, love, peace, fun. You’re able to change the energy in a room just by being there and by being the authentic you. It’s like magic.

Let's just say... I'm floored. Unlike the tin.

I've been seeing signs for weeks. This was like the exclamation point at the end of the sentence.